Terms of use

Important Hint

These terms of use are bound by and applicable to the access and use of Vision Accounting Software ("this software"), please read them carefully. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use this software.

I understand that this software is provided by Vision Accounting Co., Ltd. ("Vision Accounting"). These terms of use (the "Terms") are an agreement between me and Vision Accounting. Vision Accounting may update this post from time to time to revise, change or supplement these terms. Unless otherwise specified, the revised terms will take effect from the date of publication. If I continue to use the software in the future, I will be bound by any such amendments. Unless expressly stated otherwise, any enhancement or enhancement of the new functions of this software will be restricted by these terms.

Using this software means that you agree and accept the following terms:

1. Ownership

1.1 Vision Accounting retains all the text, images, logos, icons, sounds, images, data compilations, layouts, web pages, code (including object code and source code), software and any other information in this software (hereinafter referred to as " Content") rights, ownership and rights (including any intellectual property rights). I agree that I will not use this software or the content contained in it on my device and/or server in any way that infringes the rights (including intellectual property rights) of any third party or any third party. Vision Accounting reserves all rights not expressly granted to me in these terms of use.

2. Registration

2.1 I must register to use the full version of this software or any Vision Accounting services. I promise to (i) provide my complete, up-to-date, true and accurate personal information as required; (ii) update my personal information in a timely manner to ensure that it is complete, current, true and accurate at all times; and (iii) I The information about any content ("other information") provided through this software or any website is complete, current, true and accurate. If I provide any incomplete, outdated, inaccurate and inaccurate personal data and/or other information, or Vision Accounting has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate and inaccurate, Vision Accounting may suspend its discretion or terminate my account in this software or refuse to enter or use any Vision Accounting services.

2.2 I confirm that when using this software or Vision Accounting services, I may be bound by other terms and conditions. In this case, I will be notified, and the additional terms and conditions will:

2.2.1 In addition to these terms, it applies to my use of the software and Vision Accounting services; and

2.2.2 If there is any discrepancy between the additional terms and conditions and these terms, the additional terms and conditions shall prevail.

3. Password and security 

3.1 I understand that I must enter my user name and password to log in to my account in this software in order to use the full version of the software or any of the accounting services of Vision Accounting.

3.2 I confirm that my user name and password are confidential information and shall not be disclosed to any other person under any circumstances. I must take appropriate security measures to protect my user name and password. I shall be responsible for all activities conducted through my account (whether authorized by me or not).

3.3 If I discover or suspect the following (or any of them), I agree to notify Vision Accounting as soon as reasonably practicable: (i) Lost, stolen, leaked, compromised or unauthorized use of my user name and/ Or password; (ii) lost, stolen, leaked, compromised, or unauthorized use of my computer or mobile device; and (iii) unauthorized use of Vision Accounting services or any unauthorized activities through my account. I will ensure that I log out of my account every time I end the use. Nevertheless, I shall be liable (regardless of whether I have authorized it or not) for any use of the software or Vision Accounting services through my account.

3.4 For any loss or damage caused by my failure to comply with any relevant safety measures, Vision Accounting is not responsible. If I fail to take appropriate security measures or disclose (intentionally or unintentionally) my user name and password to a third party, I agree to compensate Vision Accounting for all losses and damages caused or caused by such breach of contract.

4. Service

4.1 I confirm that Vision Accounting has the sole discretion and without notice to me:

4.1.1 Change, remove or terminate this software, any content contained in this software, and/or any part of Vision Accounting services at any time; and

4.1.2 Suspend the software and Vision Accounting services at any time for system maintenance, upgrades, testing and/or repairs.

5. Content

5.1 Vision Accounting is only responsible for the technical operation of this software.

5.2 The content provided through this software or provided by other persons or originated from other persons ("third-party suppliers"), Vision Accounting makes no representations or guarantees, and will not be responsible for the quality and completeness of any content appearing in this software, accuracy, practicality, timeliness, reliability or continuity.

5.3 I confirm and agree to:

5.3.1 All content provided by this software is solely responsible for the person who issued the content.

5.3.2 Vision Accounting cannot monitor or control the content published through this software, and is not responsible for such content;

5.3.3 The content of this software can be provided by third-party suppliers, and the supply of such third-party suppliers or their content is beyond the control of Vision Accounting;

5.3.4 Vision Accounting does not make any editorial control over any content of this software, and does not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, authenticity, accuracy or reliability of such content or communications published through this software. Does not endorse any opinions expressed through this software;

5.3.5 I shall not rely on any information, opinions or statements of all or part of any specific content provided by this software;

5.3.6 Unless otherwise specified, any content only reflects the views of the author or promoter of the content, and does not represent the position of Vision Accounting or any entity related to Vision Accounting in any respect; and

5.3.7 When using this software, I may be exposed to offensive, harmful, inaccurate or inappropriate content, or in some cases, published posts may be mislabeled. At the same time, all content may involve a high degree of trade secrets and may not be suitable for viewing by unauthorized persons. I shall be responsible for logging in to access such content with my permission before allowing others to view such content.

5.4 Unless expressly stated otherwise, anything I do in this software or in connection with this software and/or in relation to any content will not constitute the assignment of any intellectual property rights (see below for definitions) of my own or permit me to exercise any knowledge property.

5.5 I confirm that any content of this software is restricted by copyright and other intellectual property rights ("Intellectual Property Rights"). Unless I am expressly authorized by law, I shall not participate in or allow any other person to do the following:

5.5.1 Selling, copying, distributing, modifying, displaying, publicly performing, preparing to produce derivative products based on any content, reposting or otherwise in any way for any purpose and in any manner without the prior written consent of Vision Accounting use any content;

5.5.2 Download, copy, store, retrieve, distribute, share or forward any content of the software in any way or through any medium;

5.5.3 Use any content on any other website or application or network computer environment for any purpose;

5.5.4 Reverse engineer any content that contains downloaded software; or

5.5.5 Infringement of any person's intellectual property rights when using the software and/or any content.

6. Other user content

6.1 This software may include content uploaded, posted, emailed, or other electronically transmitted by users of this software (including myself) ("User Content").

6.2 Vision Accounting will not supervise or edit user content, but Vision Accounting reserves these rights:

6.2.1 View or check any user content; and

6.2.2 Remove or prohibit access to user content deemed by Vision Accounting at its sole discretion to violate any applicable laws or violate these terms, including but not limited to copyright or trademark infringement, impersonation of others, illegal behavior or harassment.

6.3 Regarding any content published by me, I grant Vision Accounting a global, permanent, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use, copy, modify, adapt, publish, translate, sublicense, make derivative works or add it to other works (Whether in electronic version or not), distribute, perform and display the content, whether in whole or in part. I guarantee that such content does not violate any applicable laws.

6.4 If the content posted by me exceeds the storage period or the maximum storage space allocated to me, I confirm that Vision Accounting may decide to remove the content posted by me from time to time.

7. Use this software and Vision Accounting services

7.1 I shall not publish any of the following content in this software:

7.1.1 defamatory or contempt of any law or other litigation;

7.1.2 Misleading or deceptive;

7.1.3 Inciting hatred or discrimination against any group defined by color, race, gender, birthplace, nationality, or race or ethnicity;

7.1.4 Condemn religious or political beliefs;

7.1.5 Including religious or political materials that offend or may offend;

7.1.6 Indecent, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, offensive or possibly rude;

7.1.7 Threatening;

7.1.8 May cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety to others;

7.1.9 May encourage crime, disrupt public order, violence or hatred;

7.1.10 may endanger public health, safety or morals;

7.1.11 Infringement of any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights of other persons;

7.1.12 contains any unannounced or unauthorized advertising or promotional materials;

7.1.13 contains any virus or similar software or data designed to interfere with, destroy or limit any computer software or hardware functions (including this software); or

7.1.14 Impersonate any person or distort my relationship with any person.

7.2 I must not:

7.2.1 Disrupt or interfere with the software or server, network or other software, hardware, or equipment connected to or through the software;

7.2.2 Restrict or prevent any other person from using the software, including but not limited to "illegal intrusion" or destroying any part of the software;

7.2.3 Modify, adapt, sublicense, copy and reproduce, distribute, copy, utilize, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decompose or disassemble any part of the software and/or content;

7.2.4 Remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices contained in this software and/or content;

7.2.5 Copy and/or extract any part of the software and/or content without the prior written authorization of Vision Accounting;

7.2.6 Use any robot, spider program, website search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or program to retrieve, index, "mining data", or copy and reproduce, disrupt or circumvent this software in any way and/or content and/or navigation structure or presentation method of Vision Accounting services;

7.2.7 Illegal intrusion, break-in or attempted illegal intrusion or break-in in any way in this software, content and/or any data area on the server of Vision Accounting or any third-party server;

7.2.8 Add any software or other materials that contain any viruses, worms, time bombs, Trojan horses or other harmful or destructive components to this software and/or any content and/or Vision Accounting services;

7.2.9 Falsify titles or manipulate identification codes in other ways to disguise the source of any content transmitted through this software;

7.2.10 Violation of any applicable laws regarding my use of this software;

7.2.11 Collect or store the personal data of other users of this software; or

7.2.12 Use this software for commercial or illegal or non-personal use or enjoyment purposes.

7.3 I understand and agree that I shall bear the risk of using this software. I must assess and bear all risks associated with the use of any content, including relying on the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any content.

7.4 Vision Accounting strives to provide this software in a convenient and functional manner, but cannot guarantee that the content is completely correct or that the software or the server running the software is completely free of viruses or other harmful components.

7.5 Although Vision Accounting will reasonably try its best to save the content published in this software, Vision Accounting will not provide support or maintenance services for such content. Therefore, I should keep a backup copy of any content that I post to this software.

7.6 If I need to repair or replace any property, materials, equipment or data due to the use of this software, Vision Accounting will not be responsible for the related expenses.

7.7 Without limiting the above provisions, everything in this software is provided based on the prevailing conditions and the conditions available for use at the time, and does not contain any form (whether express or implied) guarantees or conditions, including but not limited to any implicit the guarantee of marketability, suitability for a specific purpose or non-infringement. To the extent permissible by any applicable law, Vision Accounting exempts all declarations and warranties.

7.8 If the jurisdiction does not allow the exemption of the above 7 implied warranties, but allows a certain maximum degree of liability limitation, Vision Accounting will limit the guarantee of Vision Accounting to this level.

7.9 Vision Accounting reserves the right to update and supplement these terms of use. If the update and/or supplement is inconsistent with the then current terms of use, the update and/or supplement shall prevail. If this software contains any open source software, the terms of the open source software may override some terms of these terms of use.  Vision Accounting may modify these terms of use at any time and send me a notice of modification when I launch the software next time. The new terms may be displayed on the screen, and I may need to agree to read and accept the new terms before continuing to use This software. If I continue to use the software, I will be subject to any or all modifications of these terms of use.

7.10 If I control but are not the owner of the relevant device (such as a mobile phone or other device), Vision Accounting will assume that I have obtained the permission of the owner of such device to download the software to the device. According to these terms of use, I accept the responsibility of making this software and related services on any device (whether owned by me or not)

7.11 I understand that Vision Accounting will charge fees for the download and use of this software. At the same time, I shall bear the relevant fees charged by the mobile network provider for downloading and/or using the data services of this software on my device.

7.12 For all expenses incurred by my use of this software, including but not limited to (a) any behavior or legacy of my behavior violates these terms of use; or (b) I use any service provided by this application, I agree Compensation, non-prosecution and maintenance of Vision Accounting and its related companies, affiliates, managers, employees, agents, contractors or other partners for any claims, litigation, litigation procedures, losses, damages and liabilities involved .

8. Software License

8.1 I may be required to download software, applications and/or programs ("the software") from time to time in order to use this software. Vision Accounting hereby grants me a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to allow me to store, run, and use the software and any software licenses accompanying the software on my device (not including further or other licenses).

8.2 I confirm that if I fail to download and install the software or if I violate any provisions of these terms, Vision Accounting may refuse to provide content and/or Vision accounting services to me through this software.

Vision Accounting may request me to install the software on my device at any time in order to monitor any unauthorized use, download, copy, store, retrieve, distribute, share or forward any content of this software in any way.

9. Links and Advertising

9.1. This software may contain links to other websites and resources provided by third-party vendors. These links are only for my information and reference. I understand that Vision Accounting has not reviewed, verified, supervised or approved the content, accuracy or opinions provided by these websites or links to other websites. Vision Accounting will not be liable for any loss and damage caused by the existence, use, suspension, interruption and/or other unavailability of these websites. I am solely responsible for and bear the risks of interaction with these websites (including providing information to or conducting transactions with such websites). The links provided by this software do not mean that Vision Accounting endorses or is connected with those websites or resources or their controllers. View Accounting is not responsible for the content of any external website.

10. Personal Information and Cookies

10.1 I agree that all personal data that I use to register an account to use the software and Vision Accounting services will be subject to applicable personal information collection and privacy policies ("Privacy Policy") promulgated by Vision Accounting from time to time. By using this software, I agree to the use of my personal data by Vision Accounting in accordance with the privacy policy. The privacy policy can be viewed in this software.

10.2 I can refuse to provide any personal information to Vision Accounting, but Vision Accounting may refuse to provide me with this software and/or any Vision Accounting services or content.

10.3 When I use certain services of the software, such as uploading files, the software may need to use the camera lens of my mobile device or access the photos stored on my mobile device, but it will not read the photos in the mobile device’s photo album. data.

10.4 If I link this software with my Facebook or Google account, I authorize Vision Accounting to collect my Facebook verification information, including but not limited to my Facebook account name, surname, first name, personal information photo and email address, or Google verification Information, including but not limited to my user name, surname, first name, profile photo, and email address. The purpose of collecting such information is:

10.4.1 Provide me with this software and the accounting services and any related services that I have applied for or are currently using;

10.4.2 Personalize and improve my experience in this software and Vision Accounting services; and

10.4.3 Provide me with promotional information about this software and other services and products provided by Vision Accounting.

10.5 If I continue to use the software, it means that I agree to the access, collection, monitoring, disclosure, transmission, maintenance, processing and use of my location data by Vision Accounting and Google, so that Vision Accounting and Google can use this software and Google Terms and privacy policies provide related functions. If I do not want my location data to be accessed, collected, monitored or used, I can turn off the location access setting on my mobile device. However, I understand that once the location data function is weakened or closed, it may cause me to be unable to use some functions of the relevant location in this software.

10.6 The use of Google Maps/Google Earth Application Programming Interface via this software is subject to individual terms and conditions. The relevant terms and conditions are detailed on the following website:

Maps Terms of Service (https://maps.google.com/help/terms_maps.html)

Usage Policy (https://www.google.com/enterprise/earthmaps/legal/us/maps_AUP.html)

Legal notice (https://maps.google.com/help/legalnotices_maps.html)

I confirm and agree that Vision Accounting has no control over the content of the Google Maps/Google Earth application.

10.7 Certain services of this software will access my social media accounts (such as Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, Twitter, etc.) stored on the device when I use the social media sharing functions provided by this software. Using the sharing function is all my personal wishes. If I do not click the sharing function of any or all social media accounts on my device, or do not directly click the sharing function in my social media account, the function will always be disabled, and the software will not save the social media account on my device. Once I choose to use the social media sharing function, I agree to some services of this software to access the social media accounts on my device. Different social media platforms and devices have different methods for turning off the sharing function. I agree that I must check the relevant settings myself and adjust my privacy settings if necessary. The social media sharing function does not disclose my personal data to third parties, but the privacy policy of how social media handles my personal data is not under the control of Vision Accounting. Therefore, Vision Accounting will not be held responsible for the results of clicking the sharing function on my social media account.

10.8 When I use this software, I may receive push notifications from this software. If I refuse to accept this push notification, I can turn off the function at any time by turning off the push notification service on the device. Different devices have different methods to turn off the push notification service. I agree that I must check the relevant settings myself.

10.9 When I use this software, the records when I use this software will be used for statistical analysis and to improve the stability of this software. Certain information will be collected through "cookies" files. Cookies are small data files that are automatically stored in the web browser installed on my mobile device and can be retrieved by this software in the future. And this software uses cookies, image tags, website log files and other scanning technologies ("Cookies") to provide me with more personalized content and information (including promotional materials). At the same time, it also helps to monitor the effectiveness of this software, including collecting collective data such as visitor volume, traffic, distribution, problems with this software and related diagnosis and repair, as well as strengthening security, preventing fraud and other uses, and restricting this software under security reasons to use of software. If allowed by my web browser or device settings, Vision Accounting may also use Cookies to select promotional materials or advertisements that are most attractive to me, and display those promotions or advertisements when I use this software.

The information collected by Cookies contains anonymous personalized setting information, such as language selection, behavior and usage status. Personal information such as name, address and some information that can be used as identity authentication and contact me will not be stored in Cookies. If I do not want to be tracked by Cookies, I can choose not to accept Cookies by changing the settings of my current mobile device web browser, but I understand that this may cause me to be unable to use some functions of this software.

If I have indicated that I agree to receive cookies tracking, I confirm and agree that Vision Accounting may collect, transmit, store and use technical data, location and other data for the above-mentioned purposes, including but not limited to technical data of the device such as IP address and/ Or device ID, system and application software, and information about my location.

10.10 Vision Accounting will also use cookies, pixels and tracking tags to track my feedback on online advertising and measure the success of its marketing activities.

10.11 Vision Accounting may also cooperate with third-party companies such as Google, DoubleClick and Facebook to use this software to conduct research on the use and activity level of this software. Google, DoubleClick, and Facebook collect data through cookies and tags to conduct research. The collected data can help to understand the customer base of Vision Accounting, including the number of visitors to the software, visitor behavior and usage patterns, to obtain more accurate reports, thereby improving the effectiveness of Vision Accounting's online promotion. The information collected from this software belongs to collective statistics.  Vision Accounting will not provide or obtain any personally identifiable information to or from companies such as Google, DoubleClick and Facebook for this purpose. In addition, no personal identifiable information of customers will be stored in the process.

I can visit http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy and/or https://www.facebook.com/ads/manage/convtrack/tos to learn more about the data collection of Google, DoubleClick and Facebook Policy and instructions to cancel cookies.

10.12 I agree to provide the information about myself or my use of the software and/or content to the company under the reasonable request of the company:

10.12.1 To assist Vision Accounting to comply with applicable laws and report such compliance matters to any government or regulatory authority; and

10.12.2 To assess whether I have performed, are performing or have the ability to continue to perform all responsibilities under this clause.

11. Restrictions on Services

11.1 To the extent permitted by the law, no matter what Vision Accounting or any person involved in the creation, production or delivery of this software and/or any content and/or any Vision Accounting services, will not treat me for entering or using or unable to use this software and/or content and/or any Vision Accounting services, any direct, incidental, corresponding or indirect damage, loss or data damage, loss of profits, goodwill, preferential sales or opportunities, or anticipated savings Losses, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, negligence or any other legal theory, and whether or not Vision Accounting is aware of the possibility of such damage.

11.2 In any case, Vision Accounting is not responsible for any function failures, system, server or connection failures, errors, omissions, interruptions, security issues, computer viruses, malicious computer programs, damage, operation or transmission delays, transmission errors, or failure to use the service shall bear any responsibility, even if Vision Accounting has been notified that this may happen.

11.3 Online communications may be interrupted, transmission failure, transmission delay, or transmission of wrong data due to the public nature of the Internet or other reasons. Under any circumstance, if any of the communication network or any aspect of the connection is delayed or invalid, so that any service cannot be provided or obtained in whole or in part, Vision Accounting shall not be liable.

12. Cancellation, suspension or termination of this software

12.1 If I have to register with Vision Accounting, I can send emails to Vision Accounting, at any time to notify Vision Accounting to cancel the registration.

12.2 If I have not browsed or logged in to the software within a period of time, Vision Accounting may cancel my registration at any time, or restrict, restrict, suspend or terminate my use of the software and/or content or any part of it without prior notice.

12.3 Vision Accounting may at any time (with or without prior notice) decide to suspend or terminate the provision of this software and any Vision Accounting services to me without any responsibility.

12.4 When my registration is cancelled, suspended or terminated, your use of the software and any other rights or permissions granted to me under these terms will be terminated. I must stop using and delete this software from my device. I will no longer be able to enter the content that I have posted or the content that I have saved in this software, and Vision Accounting may delete such materials at any time by itself.

13. Notice

13.1 Vision Accounting will publish any notice that must be given to me in this software. I agree:

13.1.1 View the notice on the software; and

13.1.2 When the notice is available on this software, it is deemed that I have received the notice.

13.2 If I have any notice or communication to Vision Accounting, I can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

14. General

14.1 I accept that these terms between Vision Accounting and myself belong to me personally, and agree that without the prior written consent of Vision Accounting, I shall not assign or attempt to transfer any rights or obligations to any other person.

14.2 Vision Accounting may transfer its rights and obligations under these terms to any person or organization without my consent.  Vision Accounting may also appoint an agent or sub-contractor to perform its responsibilities.

15. Severability

15.1 If any one or more of these terms of use, or its application under any circumstances, becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect for any reason, then the terms and the rest of these terms of use will the validity, legitimacy and enforceability will not be compromised. The remaining parts of these terms of use remain in full force.

16. Third Party Rights

16.1 The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance, Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong, does not apply to these terms of use. Except for those specified in these terms of use, no one other than the assignee of this terms of use shall have any rights to these terms of use, and no one other than the assignee of Vision Accounting shall enforce these terms of use.

17. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

17.1 Any information and data contained in this software or accessed through it is assumed to be provided and used only in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. When I enter the software and/or use the accounting services of Vision Accounting, I agree that such entry and/or use and these terms of use are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and interpreted in accordance with them. I agree to be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

17.2 If there is any discrepancy or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these terms, the English version shall prevail.

©卓見會計事務所有限公司 Vision Accounting Services Ltd

© 2025 卓見會計事務所有限公司 Vision Accounting Services Ltd